team found
The solid team in Indonesian Department of Education found that many students under 15 years old became a drugs addict.
Boy stood
A proficient puffy boy in the corner of the building stood up slowly after he fell down.
Agency was seeking
The agency of Elite Model look in Paris was seeking a super generous woman who will promoted to be a super model.
Motorcyclist inched
a young prudent new motorcyclist in the very crowded street inched when the street full filled by children who play around the street.
Driver avoided
an old car driver in slum area avoided to hit another cars that was driven miserably.
Articles sources:
2. the headline news of the Jakarta post edition: Thu, 09/03/2009 11:26am
Minggu, 20 Desember 2009
more complicate
Sabtu, 12 Desember 2009

Vierra... nama grup band ini mungkin tidak asing lagi ditelinga para penikmat musik pop bertemakan cinta.... ya, tema percintaan memang kerap dipilih para pendatang baru dibelantika musik tanah air. Bukan hanya karena tema percintaan telah menjadi bahan perbincangan umum diberbagai kalangan, tetapi alasan lain yang menjadi faktor pendukung adalah karena penikmat musik tanah air notabene didominasi oleh kaum remaja, sehingga lagu-lagu bertemakan cinta yang dikemas dalam gaya bahasa lisan yang cukup ringan dan easy listening itulah yang menjadikan lagu-lagu bertema cinta selalu bertengger dirating teratas tangga lagu indonesia. Bukan sekedar aji mumpung, nama grup band yang satu ini begitu akrab ditelinga pecinta musik tanah air, bukan pula karena satu diantara personilnya adalah putra dari pasangan musisi ternama Indonesia. Mengusung lagu-lagu bertemakan cinta dengan lirik yang begitu mengena dihati pendengarnya, membuat grup band ini dengan sangat mudah mendapat tempat dihati para penikmat musik tanah air. Seperti lagu-lagu yang telah lebih dulu dipublikasikan, kali ini mereka meluncurkan kembali single terbaru mereka masih dengan tema yang bertajuk percintaan. Alhasil, dalam waktu kurang dari satu minggu setelah diluncurkan, lagu berjudul "Perih" telah dihafal jutaan pendengar dan didownload sebagai nada sambung pribadi...
Slumdog Millionaire
The truly happiness for people is not only depend on material but, the truly happiness is when we feel the absolutely of satisfy....
Slumdog Millionaire produced by Celador Film that is created by Danny Boyle tells about Jamal Malik, a poor man who won in the Who Wants to Be a Millionaire quiz programmed. At the first time, nobody knows about him. He comes from Amci Mumbai that is known as a poor and dirty town. He spends his children life in that area named Slumdog. When he was a child, he wanted to be a popular singer, as we know he extremely admired with Amitabh Bhachan, the most popular artist in India, and he wanted to be as popular as him. He lived in Slumdog with his brother named Salim, and his friends who had to work as a singer-street. They lived with Maman’s gangster who tried to get their eyes, and then sold it. Actually, at the first time they thought that Maman was like an angel for them, because Maman was caring for them. One night, Salim knew what happened with his friend eyes. Maman took it and asked Salim to call his brother. Salim called jamal, and then Jamal sang a song in front of Maman. In his point of view, Maman would help him to be a popular singer. At the time, Jamal met with Latika, who was a poor girl. When Maman was trying to get Jamal’s eyes, suddenly Salim got his hand and took him run away. Salim told him what happened with their other friend’s eyes. Jamal wanted to help Latika, but Maman’s gangster could catch her. And then they distinguished with Latika.
In the beginning of the movie is told that Salim who won in the Who Wants to Be a Millionaire quiz programmed was getting a punishment in the prison because he is guessed as a lire. As I’ve told you before that he was a poor man, so all of people didn’t believe that he could win the quiz. Actually, he is not smart, but he is a lucky person. His destination participates at the quiz to find out Latika, his beloved woman. Because he believed that Latika will watch the quiz programmed. As I’ve written before that he is not a smart person, but he is a lucky person why? Because, all of the questions are ever happened in his children life, so he can answer all of the questions. When the host gave him question, he felt his life is flashed back. When he was in a step to be a winner, he couldn’t answer the question. He used phone a friend facility to help him. He felt very shocked when he heard Latika’s voice in the phone. It made him forgot with the question. They talked each other until the phone closed. Even though Latika didn’t give answer for him, he could the question by him self. Then, he won the quiz.
The true happiness for him is not when he was a winner, but when he can find out his truly love, Latika…
Minggu, 06 Desember 2009
My Self
At the first time when the other people met with me, they know that I’m an attractive teenager. Not only study in the college, but I’m also known as marching band coach. I got the material of marching band when I joined in my boarding school unit as long as 6 years. So that, my coaches asked me to help them to coach the marching band material. Just now, I join with Bintang Pelajar courses to be an English teacher for students who study in elementary school. I hope it can be the way for me how to force my self to learn more. Of course I also hope it can be evidence to my family who think that I’m a naughty girl who always be a troublemaker. I just want to try to make them believe that their naughty girl changed became an independent teenager. Because of my activities, which spend my time, I’m known as an active person.
Based on my friend opinion, I’m a friendly person. It is easier for me to socialize with the other people even though I meet just now. I think this is one of the effects that caused by my activities. As I’ve told you before, I have much kind of activities, which suggest me to make a relationship with the other people.
Even though when I was a child most of people knew me as a naughty girl, I always try to rebuild my personality. At the first time when I studied in elementary school, my teacher changed me be a better girl. Because of this, it motivates me to be a teacher.